9 ways to increase satisfaction on digital channels

Après quelque temps à tester ce qui fonctionne et ce qui doit être amélioré, nous avons trouvé aujourd’hui 9 façons d’aider les entreprises à optimiser le service sur leurs canaux numériques et à augmenter la satisfaction.

Discover 9 ways to increase your customers' satisfaction!

1. Listen to your customers. Constructive criticism helps us grow. 

To provide a better service, you must be in touch with reality. Finding a strategy to improve the experience is quite difficult, not to mention inefficient, if you are not really aware of your current situation.

Satisfaction surveys create a space for dialogue with your customers so they can evaluate the experience and share their thoughts on the service they received.

With this information, you can begin to measure and analyze possible ways to provide better service.

Article connexe : Comment mesurer la satisfaction des clients et améliorer le CX  


2. Think strategically and prioritize the most important content. 

You discover that your customers have rated the service experience negatively. What do you do?

First, determine the specific content that affects the department the most. Trying to handle everything at once is overwhelming.

At Locuta, we use quality of care, call completion rate and service personalization. Our platform provides you with all the key indicators to differentiate your elements, measure service quality and processing efficiency. This report evaluates the score of each call session and builds performance indicators.

You can use it to identify the 5 sessions with the most negative scores so you can focus your energy on what matters.


3. There is no single solution for everything. Determine the best improvement in each case. 

Vous avez les 5 sessions les plus critiques pour votre expérience client. Il est maintenant temps de réfléchir : les réponses sont-elles claires ? Traitent-elles le problème du client sur-le-champ ? 

There are two types of reviews you can do:

  • The content
  • Operational - these are improvements that include automation.

We recommend that you start with the content review to ensure that the callbot response is 100% optimized. If you have already done so, you can move on to #8 to analyze operational improvements.


4. Définissez les personnes qui interagissent avec le callbot et mettez-vous à leur place.

If you have decided that content review is the way to go, the second step is to define the type of audience that will interact with the callbot.

Most organizations use a bot to communicate with their customers, students or affiliates. Normally, most have already determined the characteristics of their audience, but if not, ask yourself this question:

  • What is the average age of your client?
  • What are they doing?
  • What will they use the conversational robot for? When will they use it?
  • What are the main problems to be solved? 

    5. Increase satisfaction by tailoring responses to the needs of the target audience.

    Once you have defined your audience, you need to tailor the bot's responses to their needs and expectations. For example, if they are older people who are not used to interacting with bots, you can create a response with tips on how to best type a question. Adding an example as a guide is also a good idea.

    D’un autre côté, si le callbot s’adresse à de jeunes adultes qui aiment le multitâche, il est probable qu’ils ne soient pas totalement attentifs à la conversation. Pour eux, il est préférable d’énoncer des phrases courtes, en les séparant d’intonation si nécessaire et en répétant les phrases si cela est demandé.   

     Article connexe : Personnalisation et empathie : 4 façons de les mettre en œuvre dans le CX.


    6. The tone of voice manual will be your best ally.

    Puisqu’un callbot fait également partie de la stratégie de communication d’une entreprise, la création d’un manuel de tonalité pour ce canal est très importante pour l’aligner sur la façon dont l’organisation parle à ses clients. 

    Here is the basic information you need to know:

    • Who is the callbot for? That is, the target audience we discussed in point 4.
    • What is it about? Is it an information robot for college applicants or a robot to promote products or services?
    • How does it speak? Is it informal? Is he/she familiar with the customers?


    7. Refine your answers with interactive supplements.

    Souvent, les réponses du callbot ont besoin d’un petit plus. Pour cela, vous pouvez ajouter des personnalisations sur le prénom de la personne qui contacte votre téléconseiller virtuel, etc. Ces éléments rendront la réponse plus attrayante et interactive tout en renforçant votre capacité à résoudre les problèmes. 


    8. Automate transactional questions and process them immediately.

    Remember we talked about operational improvements?

    Si les réponses du callbots sont les meilleures possibles, mais que vous continuez à recevoir des évaluations négatives, il est temps de penser à ajouter de l’automatisation. Pourquoi ? Parce que vos clients veulent pouvoir traiter un problème immédiatement sans être transférés vers un autre canal ou sans avoir à suivre un tas d’étapes pour obtenir de l’aide. 

    The automation is done through technical integrations with the information or management systems you use.

    Par exemple, si la carte d’un client est bloquée et qu’il doit changer son code PIN, il doit changer son code PIN. Les faire passer par différents canaux ne fait qu’empirer la situation. Ils ont besoin d’une réponse pratique et immédiate.    

    The integrations will also allow your customers to check a credit line or credit card balance, find out the status of their order, make an appointment, etc.


    9. The last solution to increase satisfaction? Repeat, repeat, repeat...

    Like many things in life, learning from customers and improving the service experience is a process. Some actions you implement will work, and others you will need to adjust little by little.

    Analyze performance reports, re-evaluate survey ratings, and see if the experience has changed after the changes were implemented. Based on this information, continue to refine the experience.

    Now you know how to increase your customers' satisfaction!

    The important thing is to constantly work on finding new and better ways to offer customers the service they are looking for.

    If you'd like to learn more about any of these strategies, or if you'd like to know how an automated AI solution can improve your customer satisfaction, feel free to schedule a call with one of our experts.


    Let's build together your custom Callbot of tomorrow

    Would you like to know more? Do not hesitate to contact us.