7 reasons why your company needs a Callbot

Dans le monde post-pandémie d’aujourd’hui, fournir un excellent service client est crucial pour que vos clients restent fidèles à votre marque. Avoir un agent du service client en direct en plus d’un callbot vous distinguera des autres marques. Avez-vous déjà eu besoin d’un callbot ?

As you probably know, good customer service is critical to retention and repeat business. According to a study, 75% of customers prefer to interact with a live agent at some point, and as such, they are integral to improving the level of customer experience.

If you've been considering adding conversational agents to your customer experience strategy, keep reading to learn how a conversational agent can benefit your business.

Alors pourquoi avez-vous besoin d’un callbot ?

1. Solve complex questions 

Vous avez peut-être ajouté une section « Foire aux questions » sur votre site web ou, mieux encore, un callbot automatisé. Cependant, il arrive que les clients ne trouvent pas de réponses à des questions spécifiques ou complexes.    

Rather than waiting 24 to 48 hours for an email response a conversational agent is able to provide a response quicklyespecially if it has the right AI to assist in the process.

Related article: Technology serving customers or customers serving technology?

In addition, customers who have the opportunity to speak with a conversational agent feel that their concerns are being addressed and therefore experience a higher level of customer service satisfaction.

With a quick resolution to their question or concern, they will also be more likely to buy from your site feeling like they are dealing with a quality company that values them.

2. Increase retention

Customers who can't easily find answers to their questions on your site will get frustrated and leave. 17% of customers leave the site after one bad experiencebut multiple bad experiences increase that number to nearly 60%.

This means you are losing potential customers and revenue. Seeing an email address or phone number to call does not guarantee the quick resolution that a live agent can provide.

With shorter resolution times for questions and concerns, you set the stage for a higher level of customer satisfaction. These customers will even think of you when recommending products or services to their friends and family.

They know that if questions or problems arise, your customer service conversational agents will be there to help and guide them.


3. Increase sales

Using conversational agents can also help you increase your sales. For example, conversational agents can help customers who have questions about two similar products or services or who are undecided about the different sizes and costs of a product.

They can even offer advice to consumers and create an honest up-sell in the process by simply directing customers to the best option and providing them with the information needed to make their decision.

En ayant une idée plus claire du produit le plus avantageux ou de celui qui offre le plus de bénéfices, les clients opteront le plus souvent pour ce qui a été recommandé par l’agent conversationnel. 

4. Les callbots peuvent vous aider à qualifier les prospects

Callbots are a great way to kick off your lead generation strategy, but you may want to add a deeper layer of qualification that only a conversational agent can add. For example, you might want to know about the customer's specific concerns or past experiences.

In this case, a conversational agent can ask specific questions and qualify your prospects more quickly and accurately. Once the discussion is over, it can redirect the customer to the right salesperson to start the process.

5. Understand your customers' needs

By using conversational agents, you can record transcripts of every conversation. This data not only tells you how satisfied your customers are with the service they receive, but it's also a great tool to analyze where you need to improve.

When you read these transcripts, you can identify repeated questions or concerns from clients who use the phone call.

With this information, you can refine your product selections or shipping options to better address these issues.

6. Give your company an edge 

Le principal argument de vente n’est peut-être pas ce que vous vendez, mais plutôt votre service clientèle. Chaque magasin dispose d’une adresse électronique de contact, certains d’entre eux ont des callbots rudimentaires, mais très peu ont des callbots alimentés grâce à l’IA. Cela peut faire toute la différence entre les clients qui décident d’effectuer un achat sur votre site et sur un autre. 

When customers can find quick answers to simple or complex questions, your site becomes a strong competitor.


7. Easy and affordable 

One of the best things about the callbot is that it is surprisingly affordable. Unlike telephone customer service, using a callbot service is more cost-effective. In traditional phone-based customer service, each agent is busy and dedicated to resolving one request at a time, which can be time consuming in some cases.

A virtual call center service allows agents to answer several customers at once. In addition, if the service is powered by AI, the system can even recommend the right answers to speed up the process. This means you can focus your agents on high-value activities and grow your business.

Vous avez besoin d’un callbot ? Alors, commencez !

If you are considering adding a callbot for your business, we invite you to get in touch with our experts. Our callbot solution provides an omnichannel experience, allowing your teams to focus on high-value activities and complex cases. 

Let's build together your custom Callbot of tomorrow

Would you like to know more? Do not hesitate to contact us.